Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Test This You #&@#$! Quack

Memento might have been the coolest movie I've ever seen! However it was so, so confusing. But thanks to Mr. K I was able to understand it. I thought that the crew of Memento did a very good job editing. I really liked how the movie went backwards.

But I still don't get why the black and white scenes were in between the colored ones? That kind of confused me because it seems they could have just put those scenes towards the end before he takes the picture of Jimmy.

My favorite part was his memory goes blank after he beats and ties up Dodd. He realizes he his holding a bottle and says, "I don't feel drunk." I think that is a funny part. Well, I actually have more favorite parts of the movie that only Dan S. would know about...and because Memento is a sick movie...That's right Dan, you know what I'm talking about.

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