Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Test This You #&@#$! Quack

Memento might have been the coolest movie I've ever seen! However it was so, so confusing. But thanks to Mr. K I was able to understand it. I thought that the crew of Memento did a very good job editing. I really liked how the movie went backwards.

But I still don't get why the black and white scenes were in between the colored ones? That kind of confused me because it seems they could have just put those scenes towards the end before he takes the picture of Jimmy.

My favorite part was his memory goes blank after he beats and ties up Dodd. He realizes he his holding a bottle and says, "I don't feel drunk." I think that is a funny part. Well, I actually have more favorite parts of the movie that only Dan S. would know about...and because Memento is a sick movie...That's right Dan, you know what I'm talking about.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Whatever...I didn't like this movie

I thought this movie was so-so. I really liked Nick, the mechanic. He was SO big. But who would come up with a movie wear insane, ugly women are running around in just a trench coat. That's disgusting. She might have deserved the torturing for running away. However it is kind of sad. Anyways, I also liked the black car that Mike drove. I wish I had one of those. I definitely didn't like the ending. Which is weird because if you know me, you would think I would like it. But it was SO stupid! And why did they run into the ocean at the end? Whatever...I hope the next movie we watch is a little better...nothing against you Mr. K...

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


I actually liked this movie Double Indemnity was a cool movie. The best part though is when Neff struck a match with one finger, which he did about every minute. I didn't like however, Phyllis' hair and her attitude, it bugged me. Oh and there is no way one can fall in love with someone that fast like Phyllis did with Neff. But overall, I liked seeing a mystery murder. One thing I don't get...wouldn't Keys see Neff talking to Phyllis in the store?...think about

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Groundhog Day

I don't remember how many times I have seen the movie Groundhog Day. I absolutely love Bill Murray and Chris Elliott, Larry. The song in the morning got really annoying after about the first time but I guess that it can play a key role in the movie. Like telling the audience, even before seeing Phil wake up, that it is the same day. The song itself is repetitive too. But I like how in the end Phil needs to change his personality in order to change the day. I really liked watching it in class. Dan S. smells really bad.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Bringing Up Baby

For some weird reason I actually liked Bringing Up Baby. I liked how Susan and David came together in the middle of the movie and became a team. Even though Susan drove me crazy, I liked her character and how she reacted to David. I don't, however like how David reacted to her. He couldn't get away from her. But I do think that David played a key role. And I say ha ha to David's wife because she had no clue how to handle him like the way Susan did. My favorite character in this movie would have to be Gorge the dog. Just because he is smarter than David and Susan combined.