Sunday, May 11, 2008

The Coen Bros.

Raising Arizona, Fargo and No country for Old Men are by far the best movies we have watched in class including first semester. While watching these movies I loved the correlation between family and social class. Not only in the middle-poor range but also the upper class.

Like in Raising Arizona, Hi and Ed are quite poor not only money wise but there is something also missing, family. The Coen Bros illustrate the relationship between social class in each movie very clearly. In Fargo, Jerry is pretty comfortable in his mid-sized suburban home. He also has a family. Greed ties into all of the movies as well. Jerry wants more in his life (money that is), so he hires some people to kidnap his wife. We also see greed in Raising Arizona. The Arizona family has too many babies to count....

In conclusion, the Coen Bros tied greed, social class and family together throughout their movies very well.

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